CD Classic 39
CD CLASSIC #39 (1998).iso
INI File
383 lines
; ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size, Version 1.0 - Uninstall Script
"ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size requires Windows 95 or NT."
LZW = "8"
ZIP = "9"
SetNumberOfTargets( 20 )
; Sets internal flags.
Backup( bakCustomFiles )
; Ensure the custom DLLs were successfully copied (Quit gracefully if not)
switch26 = Exists( xstSIW_CE_DLL )
#ifnot ( switch26 ) ; Quit if not copied
MessageBox( msgMissingDLL )
Goto( ScriptEnd )
switch40 = CallProcEx( CheckWin95 )
switch41 = CallProcEx( CheckNT40 )
#ifnot ( switch40 )
#ifnot ( switch41 )
; If neither Win95 or NT40, quit
MessageBox( msgWrongOS )
Goto( ScriptEnd )
; Ensure ACT 3.0 is not running
switch12 = CallProcEx( IsACT30Running )
#if ( switch12 )
MessageBox( msgACT30Running )
Goto( ScriptEnd )
;switch20 = CallProcEx( LocatePegasus )
;#ifnot ( switch20 )
; MessageBox( msgNoDevice )
; Goto( ScriptEnd )
; Determine location of ACT! CE
switch25 = CallProcEx( LocateACTCE )
#ifnot ( switch25 )
MessageBox( msgNoACTCE )
Goto( ScriptEnd )
SetActiveCopy( ACTCE, uninstal.inf )
; Determine location of ACT!3.0
switch21 = CallProcEx( LocateACT30 )
#ifnot ( switch21 )
MessageBox( msgNoACT30 )
DeselectOption( ActCEFilter )
DeselectOption( Setup )
; ***** For Testing Only *****
;CallProcEx( TestingOnly )
WizardPanel( BeginUninstal, siw_ce.dll )
; ********** Copy the files **********
; Create groups
; Delete registry info
CallProcEx( DelInstalledAppsRegValue )
CallProcEx( DelUninstallRegKey )
CallProcEx( DelHPCIconValue )
; Delete the other files
Delete( delRenamedFiles )
switch11 = CallProcEx( CheckingForExtraFiles )
#if ( switch11 )
CallProcEx( ZapProgramDirectory )
CallProcEx( ClearDirAttributes )
; ********** Common Finish Panel **********
switch97= IsFileInUse()
WizardPanel( CommonFinish, siw_ce.dll )
Delete( delCustomFiles )
#if ( switch98 )
; If files-in-use need to reboot (NT)/restart (95)
#if ( switch40 )
ExitRestart() ; Win95
RebootNT() ; WinNT
; Otherwise exit normally
; ********** ********** **********
; Wizard Panels
; ********** ********** **********
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
Title = "Uninstall ACT! for Windows CE"
DlgProc = _SIW_CEPanelProc@16
ResourceId = 669
Bitmap16 = 300
PanelDataProc = _DefaultDataProc@0
PanelFlags = First
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
Title = "Uninstall Complete"
DlgProc = _FinishDlgProc@16
ResourceId = 563
Bitmap16 = 300
PanelDataProc = _FinishDataProc@0
PanelFlags = First + Last + Finish
RebootSwitch = switch98
RestartSwitch = switch97
ContinueSwitch = switch96
SuccessText = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size (desktop portion) has been successfully removed from your desktop system."
AddlInfoText = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size can be removed from your HPC with the 'Remove Programs' item in the 'Control Panel' on the HPC."
RebootOnlyText = "Your computer will now restart to complete the necessary changes."
RebootOnlyNTText = "Please reboot your computer to complete the necessary changes."
RestartOnlyText = "The uninstall will now restart Windows to complete the necessary changes."
ContinueOnlyText = "Uninstall is complete."
; ********** ********** **********
; CallProc/Ex sections
; ********** ********** **********
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = IsPlatformWin95
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = IsPlatformWinNT40
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = IsAppRunning
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = LocateHPCExplorer
PathToUse = TARGET10
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = LocateACTCE
PathToUse = TARGET11
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = LocateACT30
PathToUse = TARGET
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = RemoveRegValue
SubKey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
Value = "ACT_CE"
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = RemoveRegKey
SubKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ACT! for Windows CE"
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = RemoveRegValue
SubKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Pegasus\SpecialNames"
Value = "act.exe"
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = EmptyBarOneFile
CheckTarget = TARGET11
TheOneFile = SETUP.EXE
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = ZapDirectory
ZapPath = TARGET11
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = ClearDirectoryAttributes
Dir = TARGET11
DLL = siw_ce.dll
function = TestingOnly
; ********** ********** **********
; Backup and Delete sections
; ********** ********** **********
siw_ce.dll, siw_ce.dll, SOURCE, WINDOWS
siw_ce.dll, WINDOWS
siw_ce.dll, WINDOWS
; ********** ********** **********
; ResetTarget and CreateDirectory sections
; ********** ********** **********
; ********** ********** **********
; Message sections
; ********** ********** **********
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Setup"
"A required library was not successfully copied from the"
"installation drive. Please attempt the installation again."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"You are attempting to uninstall ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size from a different"
"operating system than which it was installed."
" "
"Please boot into that operating system to uninstall ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"The installation program has detected that ACT! 3.0"
"is currently running on your system."
" "
"Exit ACT! 3.0 and run the Uninstall program again."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"Unable to locate an installation of HPC Explorer on your system."
" "
"Please install HPC Explorer and run the uninstall program again."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"Unable to locate the installation of ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size on your system."
"This is due to an error accessing the registry."
" "
"Please install ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size and run the uninstall program again."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"ACT! 3.0 cannot be found on your system."
"The ACT! filter for the CE device will not be removed."
; *** Alternate Message ***
;"ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size can be removed from your HPC with the"
;"'Remove Programs' item in the 'Control Panel' on the HPC."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size can be removed from your HPC with the"
"'Remove Programs' item in the 'Control Panel' on the HPC."
" "
"Your Win95 system must be restarted to complete the desktop uninstall."
" "
"Do you wish to restart your system now?"
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"You must use the 'Remove Programs' item in the 'Control Panel' on"
"the HPC to remove ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size from your HPC."
" "
"Your Windows NT system must be rebooted to complete the desktop uninstall."
" "
"Do you wish to reboot your system now?"
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"The uninstall of the ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size desktop files is complete."
" "
"You must use the 'Remove Programs' item in the 'Control Panel' on"
"the HPC to remove ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size from your HPC."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"Don't forget to restart your system later to complete the"
"uninstall of the desktop files of ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size."
Caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
"Don't forget to reboot your system later to complete the"
"uninstall of the desktop files of ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size."
; ********** ********** **********
; Groups sections
; ********** ********** **********
"ACT! for Windows CE", act30.grp, DELETE
[ACT! for Windows CE]
"ACT! for Windows CE Remote Install", Act_load.exe, ActCELoader, , TARGET11, , , , TARGET11
"ReadMe", readme.txt, ActCEApp, , TARGET11
"Uninstall ACT! for Windows CE", setup.exe, ActCESetup, , TARGET11, , , "/U", TARGET11
; ********** ********** **********
; Copy sections
; ********** ********** **********
errorcaption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall Error"
insertcaption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
caption = "ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Uninstall"
text = "The uninstall is not complete."
"Are you sure you want to exit?"
; ********** ACTCE copy sections **********
caption = "Removing ACT! for Windows CE Trial Size Files..."
posx = -10
posy = -10
copymain.ActCEBase, "Application core files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ActCEBase
copysub.ActCEApp, "Main Application files - %ldK" ;* ActCEApp
copysub.ActCESetup, "Setup files - %ldK" ;* ActCESetup
copysub.ActCELoader, "Remote Installer files - %ldK" ;* ActCELoader
copysub.ActCEFilter, "ACT! 3.0 filter for CE - %ldK" ;* ACTCEFilter
; Part of kludge to fix a crash bug
copymain.Setup, "Install/Uninstall files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;*** Setup